Quantway and Statway Digital Courseware

a woman sitting in front of a laptop
Teaching is far from easy. Let the Quantway and Statway digital Courseware delivered by Realizeit share the lift so you can focus on helping each of your students be successful.

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Digital Courseware that elevates the teaching and learning experience

Using collaborative, student-focused learning structures, a user-friendly interface, and adaptive analytics tools to support instruction, this intentionally designed digital Courseware lightens the load for instructors while improving outcomes for students.

Quantway and Statway digital Courseware gives you several advantages, including: 
Highly-engaged students

Unlock the ability to infuse mathematics with more active learning and create a dynamic, personalized experience that deeply engages your students.

Less admin, more teaching

The digital Courseware reduces your administrative workload so you can focus on what you enjoy most – teaching and engaging with each of your students.

Greater student success

Use the digital Courseware as the catalyst for achieving higher performance – raising pass rates, elevating mastery, and improving student satisfaction.

High quality at low cost

With individual student licensing coming in under $401, Quantway and Statway digital Courseware delivers a big bang for its buck.

How can the Courseware be used?

Support in-class lessons and individual practice
  • Quantway and Statway Courseware provides an online complement to in-class collaboration lessons, with individual homework activities (e.g. Preparations and Exercises) that provide rich and contextualized mathematics engagement and practice opportunities for students.
Deliver Statway or Quantway online
  • Quantway and Statway Courseware allows for fully-online implementation. All Collaboration lessons, in addition to individual activities, are available in the courseware, which supports synchronous online collaboration experiences.
Configure for direct or LTI access
  • Quantway and Statway Courseware can be configured to be accessed (1) directly (non-LTI) through Realizeit, or (2) using LTI via your Learning Management System (LMS).

Student Licenses

Student licenses for access to Quantway or Statway digital Courseware can be obtained in two ways:
  1. Online student purchases. Students have the option to purchase a license online for $39.99 upon launch into the Quantway/Statway digital Courseware. After course enrollment, students will be directed to Realizeit's ecommerce store to purchase access. Alternatively, students can place access code orders on Realizeit's ecommerce store prior to course enrollment, and redeem for full access after course enrollment. Note: Students will have ~14 days courtesy access to Quantway/Statway digital Courseware before a license is required.
  2. Bookstores can place access code orders on Realizeit’s ecommerce store for resale to students. Students can redeem their access code online any time before or after the 14-day courtesy period when they launch into their Quantway/Statway digital Courseware.

Key features for students

Image entitled A Predictable Learning Cycle with 5 hexagons aligned left to right. First hexagon shows an icon of paper, pencil, and calculator indicating the individual preparation stage of the cycle. Second hexagon shows icon of head and brain to indicate the social emotional activity stage of the cycle. Third hexagon shows illustrated image of woman doing video chat with a group on her computer to indicate the collaboration stage of the cycle. Fourth hexagon shows chat bubbles indicating instructor feedback stage of cycle. Fifth hexagon shows paper, pencil and calculator image to indicate individual practice stage.
Units are intentionally designed to follow a specific flow that helps students build and deepen their knowledge with group and individual practice and feedback. The consistent use of this unit flow throughout the course helps students learn what to expect and feel more prepared.
Image entitled A Learning Map Offers a Global Class View. Shows a screenshot of a sample learning map arranged from left the right with student completion data noted for each stage across the map.
The intuitive, easy-to-use interface, allows students to easily track their progress and mastery of the content.
Image entitled Feedback to Support Learning. Shows screenshot of example of courseware generated feedback follow an answer submission.
Variabilized and adaptive content provides extensive opportunities for practice, review, and reinforcement. And immediate feedback, often with detailed, step-by-step solutions helps students address errors and motivates them to persist through their individual learning.

Tools for instructors

Image entitled Data to Inform Instruction. Shows a screenshot of a comprehensive view of student performance data across multiple units in the course.
Utilize a range of analytical reports available on the data dashboard to efficiently analyze performance and engagement data at the class and individual level giving you valuable feedback to target instruction and individual support.
Image entitled A Student Dashboard to Track Progress. Shows a screenshot of a sample student dashboard view within the digital courseware. The dashboard shows the student has progressed through a quarter of the unit so far, achieve mastery through the activities so far, and achieved a unit score of 49.5%.
Unit learning maps provide at-a-glance information about student engagement, and also allow instructors to access activities in student mode to get a true feel for the student experience.
Image entitled Surveys Provide Insights on Student Confidence. Shows a screenshot of a sample confidence data reflecting aggregate class data on how confidence students feel about course content before they begin the collaboration stage of the learning cycle.
Examine confidence survey data at class aggregate or individual level to understand how students are grasping concepts.

What’s included in the digital Courseware?

Quantway courseware

  • Digital content in the Courseware matches the content in Google Docs.
  • Content is contextualized to real-world scenarios and settings. 
  • Data sets and sources have been updated to the most recent possible data. 
  • Key topics have adaptive capacities to provide opportunities for further learning for students that need/want more support.
  • Individual asynchronous activities use variabilized content (i.e. the numerical values within questions are subjected to variation within a predetermined range), providing more practice opportunities for students, and encourages students to obtain mathematical mastery/proficiency.
  • Embedded Productive Persistence supports include:
    • Growth Mindset activity
    • Stress Reappraisal activity
    • Study Strategies activities
    • Confidence and Group Working Well surveys

Statway courseware

  • Digital content in the Courseware matches the content in Google Docs.
  • Content is contextualized to real-world scenarios and settings. 
  • Data sets and sources have been updated to the most recent possible data. 
  • Key topics have adaptive capacities to provide opportunities for further learning for students that need/want more support.
  • Embedded Productive Persistence supports include:
    • Growth Mindset activity
    • Stress Reappraisal activity
    • Study Strategies activities
    • Confidence and Group Working Well surveys

1 When purchased directly through Realizeit’s ecommerce store.